Englisch (9/10a/10b)_M, E. – Klasse 9

Module 1 1_Unit 1 - Life down Under (9)
Unit 1 1.1 Life Down Under  
Unit 2 1.2 News from Australia  
Unit 3 1.3 Help!  
Unit 4 1.4 Pride in my people  
Unit 5 1.5 Swerve  
Unit 6 1.6 Saying what you can do, must do, are able to do etc.  
Unit 7 1.7 Giving a presentation  
Unit 8 1.7 Stop! Check! Go!  
Unit 9 1.8 Revision - Describing your lifestyle – using the simple present  
Unit 10 1.9 Hinweise zur Bepunktung und Korrektur einer Klassenarbeit  
Module 2 2_Unit 2 - Respect
Unit 1 2.1 Respect  
Unit 2 2.2 Under pressure  
Unit 3 2.3 Think before you speak  
Unit 4 2.4 The posh kid  
Unit 5 2.5 Reporting what somebody said  
Unit 6 2.6 Stop! Check! Go!  
Unit 7 2.7 Revision - Describing a special meeting – using the simple past  
Module 3 3_Unit 3 - Looking Forward
Unit 1 3.1 How independent are you?  
Unit 2 3.2 What are you like?  
Unit 3 3.3 What job?  
Unit 4 3.4 Applying for a job  
Unit 5 3.5 Seashell Motel  
Unit 6 3.6 Doing well in job interviews  
Unit 7 3.7 Stop! Check! Go!  
Unit 8 3.8 Revision - Plans for the future – using the future or other tenses  
Module 4 4_Unit 4 - Generation Like
Unit 1 4.1 Generation Like  
Unit 2 4.2 Screenagers  
Unit 3 4.3 Selfies and tattoos  
Unit 4 4.4 Targeting teens  
Unit 5 4.5 Gamer  
Unit 6 4.6 Social Media: What can go wrong?  
Unit 7 4.7 In a clothes shop  
Unit 8 4.8 Stop! Check! Go!  
Unit 9 4.9 Vocabulary revision for the final exam  
Unit 10 4.10 Revision for the final exam - Mediation, Reading, Grammar and Writing  
Module 5 E(9/10a/10b) - After the holidays
Unit 1 E (9/10a/10b): 1.1 After the holidays  
Module 6 E(9/10a/10b) - Unit 1 - South Africa
Unit 1 1.1 Embracing diversity - (Visiting) South Africa  
Unit 2 1.2 Embracing diversity – Robben Island in South Africa  
Unit 3 1.3 South African Adventures  
Unit 4 1.4 South African experiences  
Unit 5 1.5 Travel talk  
Unit 6 1.6 Revision and exam practice  
Module 7 E(9/10a/10b) - Unit 2 - Taking a stand!
Unit 1 2.1 Taking a stand - Introduction  
Unit 2 2.2 Campaigns and political activism  
Unit 3 2.3 Do you care?  
Unit 4 2.4 Face (story)  
Unit 5 2.5 Forming Questions  
Unit 6 2.6 Mediation and Listening  
Unit 7 2.7 Action for the environment  
Unit 8 2.8 Christmas Special  
Module 8 3.1 E(9/10a/10b) - Unit 3 - Future visions
Unit 1 3.1 Future visions Introduction  
Unit 2 3.2 A better world  
Unit 3 3.3 Can we keep on like this?  
Unit 4 3.4 Floodland  
Unit 5 3.5 Word order or world order?  
Unit 6 3.6 Skills training  
Unit 7 3.7 Skills Training II  
Unit 8 3.8  
Module 9 E(9/10a/10b) - Unit 4 - ZAP10 Vorbereitung
Unit 1 4.1 ZAP10 Vorbereitung – Hörverstehen I/II (01.03.2022 – 04.03.2022)  
Unit 2 4.2 ZAP10 Vorbereitung – Leseverstehen I/II (07.03.2022 – 13.03.2022)  
Unit 3 4.3 ZAP10 Vorbereitung – Wortschatz I/I (14.03.2022 – 20.03.2022)  
Unit 4 4.4 ZAP10 Vorbereitung - Grammatik I/I (21.03.2022 – 03.04.2022)  
Unit 5 4.5 ZAP10 Vorbereitung - Schreiben I/II (04.04.2022 – 10.04.2022)  
Unit 6 4.6 ZAP10 Vorbereitung - Simulierte Prüfungen 1 und 2 zur Prüfungsvorbereitung (25.04.22 - 01.05.22)  
Unit 7 4.7 ZAP10 Vorbereitung - Simulierte Prüfungen 3 und 4 zur Prüfungsvorbereitung (02.05.22 - 08.05.22)  
Unit 8 4.8 ZAP10 Vorbereitung - Individualisiertes Lernen  
Unit 9 4.9 - English – The language of your role models?  
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